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12 month warranty on all used vehicles
Family owned since 1946

BYD DOLPHIN Online Launch


Join D. M. Keith's Online Launch of the BYD DOLPHIN - Thursday, September 21st at 7 pm!

On Thursday, September 21st, at 7 pm, we're rolling out the red carpet for the grand online launch of the much-anticipated BYD DOLPHIN, and we want you to be a part of this momentous occasion!

At D. M. Keith, we take pride in bringing you cutting-edge, eco-friendly, and innovative vehicles, and the BYD DOLPHIN is no exception. Join us on this exciting journey as we unveil a car that's set to make waves in the automotive world.

How to join

  1. Follow Us: Make sure you're following D. M. Keith on all our social media platforms, including Youtube, Facebook & Instagram, to catch the live stream

  2. Set a Reminder: Mark your calendar for the big day and set a reminder. You won't want to miss a single moment of the BYD DOLPHIN unveiling

  3. Engage and Share: During the event, feel free to engage with us through comments, likes, and shares. Share your excitement with your friends and be a part of the conversation

Looking for more information? Submit your interest using the button below...


BYD Vehicle Enquiry

Vehicle Details/Message

Contact Preferences

We'd love to keep in touch with you about all our very latest offers, events and information on servicing, Value Plus and aftersales. We'll always treat your personal details with the utmost care and will never sell them on to other companies for marketing purposes.

Please tick the boxes below to indicate how you would like us to stay in touch with you about sales and servicing.

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push({ 'event' : 'FormSubmission', 'event_category' : 'New Vehicle Enquiry' })
/* jQuery('#bfb-popup-openbfb31').on('click', function () { if ($('#new_car_location select[name=location]').length != 0) { let vehicle_type = 'Car'; if (location.pathname.includes('/vans/')) { vehicle_type = 'Van'; } if ($('#vehicle_type .ppbd-product-attribute').length != 0) { vehicle_type = $('#vehicle_type .ppbd-product-attribute').html().trim(); } let lead_type = 'NWV'; if (vehicle_type == 'Car') { lead_type = 'NWC'; } if ($('#product_name .ppbd-product-attribute').length != 0) { let product_name = $('#product_name .ppbd-product-attribute').html().trim().toLowerCase(); if (product_name.startsWith("seat ")) { $('#new_car_location select[name=location]').html(''); } if (product_name.startsWith("cupra ")) { $('#new_car_location select[name=location]').html(''); } if (product_name.startsWith("skoda ")) { $('#new_car_location select[name=location]').html(''); } if (product_name.startsWith("honda ")) { $('#new_car_location select[name=location]').html(''); } if (product_name.startsWith("ford ")) { $('#new_car_location select[name=location]').html(''); } if (product_name.startsWith("kia ")) { $('#new_car_location select[name=location]').html(''); } } if ($('#vehicle_type .ppbd-product-attribute').length != 0) { } } if ($('#product_name .ppbd-product-attribute').length != 0) { let product_name = $('#product_name .ppbd-product-attribute').html().trim(); let product_sku = $('#product_sku .ppbd-product-attribute').html().trim(); $('#new_car_model input[name=model]').val(product_name + ' (' + product_sku + ')'); } });*/